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Sabado, Hunyo 20, 2015

Views in Life: Dig Down Deep

Philosophy, or how we view things in life, may vary from person to person. It is merely based on the fact that no person has exactly the same experience as others. It may help map the course to where we long to be in the future, or it may serve as a sidestep to an unfavorable one.

My philosophy in life is simple. That is to do my best on things I do, and let God take good care of the rest. [chos]

Not all happenings in life favor us. Some may shatter our feelings to pieces, and drains our strength from its very core. Some seems to break our worlds apart and take everything from us, everything, 'til we find ourselves empty. Empty and so much weak. But still, we hear other people say, that weakness is good; that it is somehow a way of Him who loves us to lead us to the right track. That weakness is good, because if we are that weak, we often find ourselves limp but comforted in the arms of God.

I remember what my mom used to say, "Experience is the best teacher!". And I believe her. 
For instance in school, I sometimes feel overconfident about a lesson that I do not further study it. Others obviously study hard and I just found myself leafing pages on the exam's coverage. [tsss] When the exam comes, and I'm so eager to answer but heck I couldn't remember every single thing clearly. Then the score is not to be mentioned here (hehe ***) That was indeed so frustrating! Hence, from it I learned a back-breaking lesson the hard way. 

We all have a 'say' about experience and views in life. Simply because we are different in many ways. But we could not cast fog over the truth that we are all humans. And some of us, in one way or the other, if not exactly the same, have similar happenings in life. Some of us lose an opportunity that can lift us to comfy living. Some loses a chance to prove self better. Some loses a family, a loved one. And some, who has gone through all of those and surpassed triumphantly surely will utter to us not to lose heart. Eyeing on a beautiful tomorrow we ought to endure our current battle, and surpass whatever is it with a head held high and a brave heart.

Furthermore I believe in God; His words are my ultimate philosophy. I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, who died for all of us, to wash away all our sins, may it be big or small, and save us from Hell, God's eternal punishment to people who stand against His words and not repent. I believe that all people, may you be a pastor, or priest; may you be in caves, behind walls, or wide in the open; may you be an ordinary person, there is no and never been an exception. All of us is sinner. It takes to have humility, and an open heart to accept that all of us is a sinner; to accept in ourselves that we are loathsome sinners in the eyes of God. That is why we need God's forgiveness. God so loves all of us that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16).

I read the Bible, and I believe in it. What I do not believe is what other people say about it. For so they say according to other books also. And so I read the Bible. It contains and reads God's philosophy. A philosophy that all philosophies should converge to. No other attention-diverting book is parallel to it. No, not one, and will never be. How pleasant it is to open our minds and hearts to wisdom God offers us. How awesome it is to see things according to God's perspective and viewpoints - a philosophy I always want to keep in me, while I live...